coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #22

If we were having coffee, I'ld tell you I haven't stepped out of the four walls of our house within the past two weeks. Still, I am grateful to be comfortable with my life right now. It is not Perfect but I am content. It is easy for us to sit within the comfort of… Continue reading Coffee with Ameena #22

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Don’t negate your gift

A few days ago, I was cruising through YouTube, as usual and I came across a talk show by the country singer, Kelly Clarkson, where she interviewed Selena Gomez. During the course of the interview, Selena expressed how she knows many people judge her singing voice and is aware, she doesn't have the greatest vocal… Continue reading Monday Motivation: Don’t negate your gift

coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #19

If we were having coffee, I would tell you for the past one week, I have not been tormented by the phone call in the middle of the night with the voice on the other end saying, the doctor on call is needed in the hospital. Yes, I am on a very short break from… Continue reading Coffee with Ameena #19

coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #18

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you how last week, I stuck my foot in my mouth (by saying something I shouldn't have) and it didn't taste good. I was seeing a patient who had a stroke, but was stable considering, and we were actually having a good conversation. I noticed her caretaker had… Continue reading Coffee with Ameena #18

coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #7

If we were having coffee, I will immediately gulp down my entire mug of black coffee. That accomplished, I will give you an extra tight hug for offering me a much needed break this week with this coffee date. If we were having coffee, I will tell you that I was remembering the lies we… Continue reading Coffee with Ameena #7

coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #6

If we were having coffee, I'd apologize for having to postpone our Tuesday coffee date to Wednesday. Some days, life throws curveballs which we have no way of fore seeing and living is in learning to surf through them. I'd ask how your week has been so far? If on a scale of ten it'd… Continue reading Coffee with Ameena #6

personal stories

Travelling tips by a former avid Traveller

1. Always carry a sweater: Experience has taught me this, whether it feels like the sun is right above your head before you board the plane, still carry a sweater. Trust me, it will save you the torture of spending 160 dollars on an ugly oversized sweater-jacket because your 2 hours transit got extended to… Continue reading Travelling tips by a former avid Traveller