coffee conversations

Coffee with Ameena #21

If we were having coffee, I hope you are sipping your cup of coffee from the sanctuary of your home. I hope you have a great support system during this trying and ultimately scary period, to keep you company. I hope you aren’t believing in the paranoid idiots spreading false news, because, this virus is real, it is deadly and it’s infectivity is very high.

I hope you are washing your hands, avoiding crowded areas and encouraging your family members to adhere to the guidelines as well. And lastly, I hope you are ready to unwind with me as I sip my cup of coffee.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask what is your kryptonite when it comes to food because mine is anything and everything carbs- I mean, burgers, pizzas, shawarma, sandwiches, chicken wraps, you name it. And with the advent of home delivery, which for some spots like dominos pizzas is super fast, the carbs have clearly been winning. But not for long, I just made a cooking breakfast timetable for myself, to keep me in check. At the end of the day, home made is the best after all. How do you keep yourself in check when it seems like you are falling off your diet?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I spent the past week preparing with my sister for her 2nd term examination (until it was cancelled abruptly due to the corona pandemic), and quite frankly, she has been giving me light. Half the time, I am either laughing or trying hard not to laugh. The other day, we were studying characteristics of living things, or as I like to call it MR NIGER, and I asked her if she was a living thing. Guys, she told me no.

Then, when we were studying agriculture and I asked her what kind of animal is a chicken, she replied, mammal. I told her, so a chicken is not a bird, and she replied- no it’s not. I’m getting the sense that she really likes saying No a lot.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask if you could have a super power what would it be. Mine would hands down be, the ability to make people laugh. Humor is like a sword in a war, it gets me through a lot of things. If I could make people laugh, Yahya would be the best feeling you know, being able to give people a much needed break from whatever is tormenting them, even if it’s just for a minute or two.

Until next time… stay at home, wash your hands and stay safe. ❤️

5 thoughts on “Coffee with Ameena #21”

  1. Hello my dear Ameena! Happy to hear from you and hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy in this crisis.

    Re Kryptonite: I think mine would have to be dark chocolate and sushi. (not together 😂) but all the carbs you listed like pizza and shawarma are yummm too.

    I am happy to hear you and your sister are laughing together in this time! The superpower to make people laugh genuinely would be such a wholesome power. May I recommend some of my favorite comedians/comedy shows during this time: I’ve been alternating between Trevor Noah, John Mulaney, and FRIENDS reruns 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are trying to Jade. Thankfully I’m nit working at the moment, I have a bit of holiday, so i’ve been staying put at home.
      How is your side? The numbers are just sadly rising.
      I love dark chocolate, esp dRk chocolate icecream or cake glaze, yummy 😋.
      I have to google John Mulaney, i am not aware of him. I have heard so much about friends but can you believe I haven’t watched an episode yet 🙈. One the funniest tv series i’ve watched though is The big bang theory

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The numbers are rising on my side too, unfortunately.

        I loved the first several seasons of Big Bang Theory! But then it got a little stale for me and I stopped watching lol


  2. Hello, my kryptonite is anything chocolate… be it ice cream, donuts, cookie, as far as chocolate is in it am game.
    Superpower, invisible… I just want to fade away into the shadows

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do love chocolates too.. but I love to eat them in bits and pieces 🙈, I don’t really binge on them. Although my favourite doughnuts are chocolate filled doughnuts and the cookies I prefer are chocolate glazed cookies or m and m cookies 😁. Now I am craving


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